
攝錄影音 ,不定時分享攝錄影產品開箱:相機設備,如可交換鏡頭機身、不可換鏡頭的數位相機、自動鏡頭、手動鏡頭、定焦鏡頭、變焦鏡頭、1:2或1:1微距鏡、接寫環微距功能;錄影設備,如電動滑軌、電動轉台、XLR錄音機、槍型麥克風,提供開箱、賞玩心得、器材使用感想、器材優缺點、適合的使用方式、使用情境、國內外購買方式。

Really Right Stuff (RRS) PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head 打鳥雲台,開箱 – 超群承重、雙軸獨立控制、精確定位、迅速拆解收藏,攝錄影雙制霸!!!

Really Right Stuff (RRS) PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head 打鳥雲台,我購入的第一支打鳥雲台。PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head的做工精良,有著50LB的高負重,且能夠被拆分為三個大零部件而緊湊收藏於專用的尼龍保護袋中,PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head兼具了高負重能力與便攜性。

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Really Right Stuff (RRS) BH-55 PCLR 萬向球形雲台,開箱 – 攝影終極天神兵,超負重、防打轉、USA製造

Really Right Stuff (RRS) BH-55 PCLR 萬向球形雲台,我心目中的攝影終極天神兵, 資深攝影師及玩家當真不可錯過的星球最強萬向雲台。我自己猶豫了很多年才決定入手,畢竟價格上和我實際的使用黏著度是有出入,因此我是在有閒錢和半賞玩的心態下購入,若是以CP值作為考量的使用者,恐怕不會將其RRS的產品列入購買選項中,畢竟市面上RRS的仿製品有很多家副廠在做。

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Hejnar 10″ Macro Focusing Rail MS5P-10-KS – Poor Build Quality with Over High Price!!! Defective Stainless Steel Lead Screw Still Sold to Customers WTF!!?

Having these build quality issues with the Hejnar Macro Focusing Rail MS5P-10-KS of USD, I am not happy, especially Hejnar told me they have nothing to do with the poor lead screw because the lead screw provider only can offer such quality. I totally don’t believe this. Even the screw material has defects, Hejnar can cut a perfect section from it as the part of the macro focusing rail. But I suggest that the best and quick way is changing the screw provider, and China made stainless steel screws seem to have much better build quality and are cheaper. I don’t recommend Hejnar’s any macro focusing products equipped with lead screws unless they have a big improvement on the build quality and can guarantee that the lead screw, the core mechanical part, has enough precision without any broken sections.

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