Really Right Stuff (RRS) PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head 打鳥雲台,開箱 – 超群承重、雙軸獨立控制、精確定位、迅速拆解收藏,攝錄影雙制霸!!!

Really Right Stuff (RRS) PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head 打鳥雲台,我購入的第一支打鳥雲台。PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head的做工精良,有著50LB的高負重,且能夠被拆分為三個大零部件而緊湊收藏於專用的尼龍保護袋中,PG-02 MKII Gimbal Head兼具了高負重能力與便攜性。

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Really Right Stuff (RRS) BH-55 PCLR 萬向球形雲台,開箱 – 攝影終極天神兵,超負重、防打轉、USA製造

Really Right Stuff (RRS) BH-55 PCLR 萬向球形雲台,我心目中的攝影終極天神兵, 資深攝影師及玩家當真不可錯過的星球最強萬向雲台。我自己猶豫了很多年才決定入手,畢竟價格上和我實際的使用黏著度是有出入,因此我是在有閒錢和半賞玩的心態下購入,若是以CP值作為考量的使用者,恐怕不會將其RRS的產品列入購買選項中,畢竟市面上RRS的仿製品有很多家副廠在做。

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Hejnar 10″ Macro Focusing Rail MS5P-10-KS – Poor Build Quality with Over High Price!!! Defective Stainless Steel Lead Screw Still Sold to Customers WTF!!?

Having these build quality issues with the Hejnar Macro Focusing Rail MS5P-10-KS of USD, I am not happy, especially Hejnar told me they have nothing to do with the poor lead screw because the lead screw provider only can offer such quality. I totally don’t believe this. Even the screw material has defects, Hejnar can cut a perfect section from it as the part of the macro focusing rail. But I suggest that the best and quick way is changing the screw provider, and China made stainless steel screws seem to have much better build quality and are cheaper. I don’t recommend Hejnar’s any macro focusing products equipped with lead screws unless they have a big improvement on the build quality and can guarantee that the lead screw, the core mechanical part, has enough precision without any broken sections.

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Quick Detach (QD)相機軍用背帶快拆系統介紹,Kirk/RRS QD Arca Swiss快拆板 x Black Rapid背帶,絕對無敵 – 為什麼每台相機都該用QD系統?因軍用步槍級強度與耐用度!

Quick Detach (QD)快拆系統,源於軍用步槍等武器的背帶快拆體系,是我看過最強韌安全的相機腕帶/背帶快拆系統,而通過Kirk、Really Right Suff (RRS)的快拆板系列,QD系統可以進一步無縫整合Arca Swiss快拆系統,達到前所未有的相機快拆系統一體性與安全性。

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Kirk Multipurpose Rail 多用途滑軌,開箱 – 讓相機在腳架上偏心設置的好用工具,不失為腳架上粗略對焦的輔助用具~

Kirk Enterprise (Kirk Photo),在我心中與RRS齊名的美國攝影輔具製造公司,其產品的鋁合金和不鏽鋼CNC加工精度無可匹敵,快拆座等產品的可動機構處大量使用精良的不鏽鋼以確保堅固程度。這次購入的Kirk Multipurpose Rail,在滑軌本體上搭配了背對背結合的快拆組,讓我可以在把相機放到這滑軌後讓相機相對腳架做一定程度的偏移(Offset),讓攝影的操作更靈活有空間!

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Really Right Stuff (RRS) Lever Clamp 扳扣式快拆座 ,開箱 – 適用球型雲台的天下第一鎖,無上鎖力冠絕群英!

RRS 扳扣式快拆通過不鏽鋼扳扣長桿提供了極為強悍的鎖力,在鎖緊正規的Arca Swiss快拆板時,使用者會進入全鎖狀態時感受到即為強大的扭力,甚至會覺得是不是快要扳斷扳扣長桿了!別怕!給他用力扳到底!不鏽鋼實心長板就是為了此刻頃全力輸出扭力到全鎖的定位點而存在的!

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